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Exciting Updates on Nichijougo

Your Ultimate Guide to Everyday Japanese

Your Ultimate Guide to Everyday Japanese

Hello Japanese language enthusiasts! We have some fantastic news to share with you regarding the progress of our highly anticipated book, Nichijougo (日常語). We have been working tirelessly to ensure that this comprehensive guide to mastering everyday Japanese offers you the most engaging and effective learning experience. Here are some updates on the status of the book:

Adding Furigana to all Kanji

We believe that Nichijougo should cater to everyone, from beginners to advanced learners. To make it even more accessible, we have decided to add Furigana to all Kanji. This will help learners at all levels to easily read and understand the Kanji characters, making the learning process smoother and more enjoyable.

Removing Romaji

While Romaji can be useful for very beginner learners and during situations where typing in Japanese is not feasible, it has its limitations. We have decided to remove Romaji from the book and switch to Furigana. This decision not only enhances the book’s quality but also aligns with our core philosophy of providing an engaging, relevant, and contextual language learning experience.

Editing Takes Time

We are committed to delivering a top-quality book that will enrich your Japanese learning journey. To ensure that each conversation example is as perfect as possible, we are carefully reviewing and editing every single page. This meticulous process ensures that Nichijougo meets the highest standards in every aspect.

As we wait for the copyright for our content, which typically takes 3 to 6 months, we are using this time to further improve and polish Nichijougo. We are thrilled to announce that we are targeting a Summer 2023 release for the book!

We hope you are as excited as we are for the launch of Nichijougo (日常語). Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to us. As the famous Japanese saying goes, “頑張ってください” (Ganbatte kudasai) – which means “Do your best” or “Good luck.” Let’s embark on this incredible journey of learning Japanese together!

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